Saturday, May 15, 2010

Subjective and Objective

One subject i feel that was really interesting this semester was subjective and objective claims. I feel like it was something that we briefly went over but since i enjoyed learning about it so much, i have decided to talk about it in my final blog post of the semester. A subjective claim is a calim that is made that depends on somebody's opinion to decide whether it is true or false. An objective claim is a claim that is true or false based on factual evidence and needs no one persons opinion to decide whether it is true or false. That is the majr diference between the two. I think the excercises that we had to do while reading the section were very good and helpful because they made us decide whether or not the claims being made were subjective or objective. They were very helpful excercises and made everything about the subject much easier to understand and since it was easy to understand, it made it a much more likeable subject to study.


  1. I agree with you samshin24. I found that subjective and objective claims were very interesting and yet easy to use and learn. The section was very short yet it was very informative and I was able to understand it than some of the concepts the were multiple pages long. I believe that these claims are easier to spot in a normal conversation than most of the concepts in the book are. Due to these few things I think that it made the subject more enjoyable and I liked it a lot more than I would have expected.

  2. It was a great idea writing about subjective and objective claims! I also had trouble understanding this, but the posts on the blog helped me quite a bit. The reason I think that your choice of learning about this concept further is the fact that it is very practical to your life. Much of this material, while informative and useful, is not always practical to our day to day lives. On the other hand, some of it is very practical, and I think that subjective and objective claims/statements are one one of the things that I hear outside communications classes the most. Mastering this will really help you in life.
