Saturday, April 17, 2010

Appeal to Spite

I was trying hard to figure out which topic from the reading that i would talk about for this post because there were quite a few that i enjoyed that i could have chosen from. The one i chose to talk about can be found in chapter ten of the epstein text. It is appeal to spite. I found this topic very interesting to read about. I was a little lost at first but i read over it and it ended up being easier to understand. The book describes it as the hope of revenge. Basically, it is trying to explain how doing something bad to somebody is what you are supposed to do if they have done something bad to you in the past. I had never really thought of this as an argument but the book does a very good job describing how it can be an argument. It was a very interesting thing to learn about now that i understand it.

1 comment:

  1. I also wrote about appeal to spite and I pretty much agree with everything you said. I also found the appeal to spite interesting to talk about because it appeals to spiteful people. It's so petty and interesting that it just caught my eye.
    Alright, I'll just be honest here - I'm just writing to get the point and I can't really think of anything else to say. I hope this is enough words.
